Wheels down....

Well, I am back home now....I attended the week long seminar in Columbus, Ohio for TIG Welding, Engine/Chopper Building.  My instructor was Chuck Sheridan and his company is called Redline Chopper School (soon to be Fox Motorcycle Institute) located in Williamsport about an hours drive from where my hotel was in Columbus. I flew in on Sunday the 15th and the class started on Monday the 16th.  I drove out there and realized quickly that it was a very rural area.  I was surrounded with corn, soybean and wheat crops.  In my anticipation of the week ahead, I arrived much earlier than expected, (habit of mine) and was immediately concerned that there were no commercial signage telling me that I was in the right place.  Across the street was a soybean crop and the long brick building next to the grain silo (in which I was to do my learning) had a radio on thereby adding to the confusion that I had made the right decision.  Once Chuck finally showed up and all concerns were relieved, we jumped in.  He discussed TIG welding for a bit and he had me jump in immediately.  I had no prior experience but he conveyed precise and concise info that had me convinced that I too can become a welder.  We welded all day doing practical exercises...day 2 and 3 were engine breakdown we worked on Harley Evo engine.  Days 4 and 5 covered the chopper assembly and after that, I gained experience that far exceeded the Chopper College seminar that I attended in Chicago years ago.  Chuck is a great teacher and now, a good friend...I will keep in contact with him for future builds and endeavors.  I am glad that our paths have crossed.  Until the next entry, Peace.  CCS